Team Registration
Already have an account
Create your site account
This will allow you to log in and use site tools - you’ll only need to do this once!
Should be unique
Only Captains (Coaches, team Organizers, etc) need to Register a full Team. Players on the team will be 'Invited' to join the team by the Captain via a site email.

Your Info

Must be between the ages of 21 and 99 when the league starts on Sunday, March 02.
Enable Game Reminders

Release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement

Assumption of Risk.
Please enter all required fields

Review and complete your registration

Your Account Info
Must be between the ages of 21 and 99 when the league starts on Sunday, March 02.
Enable Game Reminders

Question & Answer

Team payment policy

If payment is not made within 24hrs after registration closes, you/your team will not be on the schedule

Cost Breakdown
Participation Fee
Processing Fee
Sales Tax (8.25%)
Fee Per Player
Time-Sensitive Registration
Please complete your registration within 3 minutes. After this time, your spot will be automatically released to other waiting users to ensure fair access for everyone.

Oops…Looks Like You’re Running on Island Time🌴

You have been put on the waitlist for Sun. Coed Kickball- REGISTRATION IS CLOSED
Your current registration status
Your team has been placed in the waitlist pool. A league admin will contact you immediately if a spot becomes available.


You have been registered for Sun. Coed Kickball- REGISTRATION IS CLOSED
Your current registration status
You are currently an active member of the team pool.
League or Event
Start Date
Sunday, March 02
District 249
You’ll pay your part of the team fee if you join a team
Your Player Page is your home base for using the site
From there, you can update your personal info, view your participation history, RSVP for your next game (once it’s scheduled), as well find all of your team links.
View your Player Page
Registration Status

Registration has been closed